Thursday, November 17, 2022

Drawn to the Warmth

      Maybe there are some who do not know what is love. However I believe there are many people who know what will make them feel warm inside and we are drawn to that warmth. We need warmth to make us feel comfortable. Where does this warmth come from? It comes from the feeling of connection, belonging and acceptance. It comes from our memories that make us feel good about ourselves. It comes from the people who welcome us into their lives and are happy to see us. It comes from our family and friends.
     We do not like to feel cold and alone on the inside. We need the warmth for our happiness. We will go to a place that will make us feel loved and accepted. We will avoid the coldness of rejection. Perhaps we cannot find people who will accept us and then we will turn to a temporary solution that will make us feel a little bit warm on the inside. Never the less we are all drawn to the warmth.
     Love is mostly shown by our actions rather than that our feelings. For example we may not feel like helping people however love demands that we help people. We may not feel like to forgive or to be kind but love tells us to both to forgive and be kind. What I am saying that actions of love may not always make you feel warm inside but is necessary to bring that warmth to others even though it may seem like a self-sacrifice to you. Because love can sometimes be a service of self-sacrificing rather than just a good warm feeling you may not always be drawn to express it in your life.
     Warmth is a big motivator in our life if it makes us feel good than we will do it. We must do things that may not always bring us a warm feeling but we will always look for it after the work is done. We are creatures of the warmth and not of the coldness. It is important that we find a place of warmth and comfort so that we can just relax and be happy.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

In The End

      In the end of our lives I believe that most of us want to have a clear conscience before we die. We do not want to be standing before God loaded down with sin and regret. How many of us will say that we can't wait to go to hell and meet the devil not many at all I believe. Most of us want there to be a loving paradise than a torturous hell. We want love over pain and sorrow. Does this not tell you something about us? Even though our world is becoming more violent people still want a place of love to go to at the end of their life.
     In the end our true nature is revealed it shows us that deep down in our core being there is a great need for love. Why is it that we are so cruel and mean to each other while at the same time we want peace and love for ourselves? It does not make sense. The very thing we do not want we create. Pain, violence and suffering is given out by people who want to go to a loving paradise in the end. They want mercy but they do not give out mercy. They want love but they do not give love. However in the end they cry out to God for both mercy and love.
     I believe deep down we are all beings of light needing the light to live. However there came a time when evil enter our world and enter our bodies like a virus bring with it it's darkness and death. Everyone of us now fight to keep the light within us from going out. We fight to keep this malignant force from taking over our bodies and our world. Our true fight is not with each other but with the evil destroying malignance that is within us.
     The only thing that prevents evil from completely taken over our world is God's mercy and his spirit that he put in everyone of us. Deep down we know we are God's children (beings of his light and love). We know that this evil that is within us is killing us and it is not natural to our true nature. We reject it and battle against in order to not to lose our humanity. It is a fight for our lives and for our world.
     When we give in to the evil that is within us it tears us apart. Evil only destroys and it drive people to madness. Evil will blind your eyes and turn you against the ones you love. In the end you will know what is true but it will be to late to do anything about it. Now is the time to fight. Now is the time to change while you are still alive.
     In the end we will go into the light and love that God has provided for us. In the end our minds will be clear and we will understand our own true self. We will see that our true nature is needing love and not hate and violence. We will see that we were manipulated by the evil within us to do it's will of destruction. In the end we will be shown who we really are as beings of God's light and love in need of a peaceful place in paradise.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Place Under The Sun

     We each have a place under the sun. We take up a space upon this earth. This is our time to live. It is up to us where we place ourselves and use our time. When I was born I was given a time and space to live upon this world. Why? I believe it more than just to do as I please. I think there is a purpose, a reason for this existence something greater than just fighting to survive.
     We are more that just animals living by the rule of survival of the fittest. Our purpose is more than just reproducing our species. When I see pictures of our round blue Earth setting in the vastness of space. I say to myself there has to be a reason and should not our mind and our activities be aligned to that reason. I believe that reason (the why of our existence) is not lost. It can be understood by those who focus their mind and soul upon on it.
     The door of our understanding is not closed it is just focused elsewhere. If we have a spirit that is within this fleshly body does it not stand to reason that we are here for it's spiritual growth. Should we not find a way to use our flesh to strengthen our spirit? The greater our spirit is the greater our understanding will be. 
     We are here for a reason. There are lessons to learn here. Perhaps it is to see the invisible power of God's spirit across the surface of the earth. The more we know of his design the more we will know of him. We are here to grow more closer to God by using our senses to experience our world around us. We are walking on a path toward our spiritual perfection and that includes experiencing God's creations.
     It is so easy to get lost in our personal struggles and lose sight of our purpose to grow closer to God. We do not think about our journey until we are near death and then we want to increase our connection to God. Our want to increase our connection to God should be during our life and not at it's end. Our spirit just like our body needs food and if we do not feed it, it will not grow. Our time here is a gift that should not be wasted. It is our time to see God's design in this material world and connect to him by using our flesh and our spirit.


Friday, February 18, 2022

Love is The Best

      I believe love is the best thing that you can have in this world. Not superficial love but deep down unconditional kind of love. The kind of love between a mother and father and their children. You do not have to impress your children. You just need to be around to support them and show that you do care. Children will love you just because you are there with them. I think if you have that kind of love, you have the best thing that this world has to offer.
     I have heard many times people say that their family means everything to them. Their family gives them something that they need in this world and that need is love. Love should never be over looked in our lives because it is the most important thing that we could ever have. If we do not have love we are diminished in life. We will walk around trying to find something to fill the emptiness inside of us.
     We do cling to those who do give us a feeling of love. Because we know that we need love as much as we need air and water. Love is the best thing that we can have because it makes us want to keep on living. Our world becomes more colorful, more joyful, and more comfortable to live in with love. Love makes us feel safe and secure like everything we will be alright. Love makes us feel like that we have everything that we need.
     It could just be me but I feel that our world has become a little cold, distant, and indifferent toward others. I feel the only love that we can find is within our own families and if we do not have a loving family then it will be hard to find it from anyplace else. Perhaps a pet, good friends or a social group can provide us with some kind of love but sincere love seems to me to be a rarity then commonplace. I think the reason for why it is lacking is because so many of us do not feel loved and we cannot give what we do not have.
     I do not really know why love is in such a short supply but I do know that we cannot survive without it. Maybe we can survive but cannot really live without it. The quality of our life is just as important as the type of food that we eat. Love can save us where as violence and hate will destroy us. Love is the best thing that we can have. I feel a sense of warmth just by writing about it, love is that powerful. Love can heal us and make us feel closer and with love we can change our entire world.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Feeling Like Spring in Winter

     Today is a time for our celebration, Why? Because we are alive. Even though it feels like we are surrounded by death and sorrow. Somehow life has given us more time to live. So lets celebrate while we still can. Even though it is winter lets make it feel like springtime on the inside. Lets fill our lives with what we can do now so to make us feel better.
     Lets think positive. Like, I will open my life up and let the spring air in. I will let it energize me, strengthen me and heal me. Spring is a time for rebirth and new beginnings, so let it be spring every time we need it to be. No waiting around for it. The time is now. 
     How do we celebrate this inner springtime? By doing everything that make us smile and be happy. If I feel like dancing, I will dance. If I feel like singing, I will sing. If I feel like painting, I will paint. No matter if I do not have the skill for it, if I feel like doing it then I will do it. Whatever makes you feel happy then do those things. 
     Sad times seems to come to us automatically but with our own happiness sometimes we need to take action. Our sadness makes us slumber while our happiness makes us feel awake and alive. So lets feel alive and let the springtime in.
     Death will always want us and it will get us one day but not now because we have so much more to do. As long as there is life in my body, living becomes my priority and not dying. While I am alive, I have time to enjoy everything that life can offer me. Mourning life is not an option for me if I can celebrate life I will. I do not want to live my life in sadness but I want to be apart of life just like all of nature. I am part of nature and nature is all about being alive.
     Celebrate! Celebrate your life. Celebrate all life. Let springtime flow through you anytime of the year, making you feel alive and happy.

Monday, February 7, 2022

We Must Find Our Own Way

     I sometimes look at the people of the world and think to myself that their just lost. They need to find a direction to go in. I would like to tell them to go this way but in truth they must find their own way. If I would tell them come join me on the beach and enjoy warmth of the sun, some would say I rather be in the mountains or the valley or even camping in the woods. What I believe to be the ideal place is not their ideal place to be.
     I have to be careful that I do not become so arrogant that I believe to know what everybody needs. We each need different things to be happy. If I were to say to eat less there may be others that need to eat more. If I were to say exercise more there maybe others that need to stop and just relax. One way of doing things does not fit all. Each of us are different.
     All I can say is this is what I like and this works for me. Each of us must decide what works for them and what does not. We can take another's advice and change it in a way that it works for us or we can just leave it alone and look for something else. It is our life and we must decide what is good for us.
     I will never pressure you in taking my advice and I hate those who push their opinions so hard like it was the God's truth. They will pressure you to do as they say in order to control you. They will make you feel like you are stupid for not following them. They do not see you as an individual that must find their own way but as someone that they can use to do their bidding.
     I would like to say that I know all the answers but that would be a lie. Life is just so complicated to know everything. I am just a small speck on the surface of the earth and my life is so short compared to it's age. I feel I haven't even scratch the surface to the knowledge of what is out there. 
     We will struggle and we will make mistakes on that road of finding our own way. You cannot rush the process like it was a competition. Just relax and enjoy the process and try to keep an open mind. Do not close yourself off but asked for help if you need to. 
     Strive for peace and understanding. Hate less and love more. Do not worry about to what will come tomorrow but enjoy today if you can. Together, we can help each other to find what we are looking for and make our world a better place to live.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Don't Be a Clown in Their Circus

     When I say don't be a clown in their circus, I am saying just be yourself to be loved. Stop pretending to be someone that you are not just to be liked by others. Because over a long period of time it will wear you down and make you tired and angry at yourself and everyone else. One of our goals in life is to find away to love ourselves as we are. It is to find a calming peace within our soul and be able to relax and not be anxious all the time.
     If you are a clown in their circus no one will see if you are sad because you have a painted on smile. You are saying to the world that I am fine but you are not fine at all. You want to be loved even if you do not entertain them. You make them smile while making your ownself sad. You deserve love even if you do not please others. Earned love is short lived while love that is given freely is everlasting.
     Maybe it will be hard for you to understand what I am saying if you can live in this world with a peaceful spirit you will feel loved. Once you let go of trying to please everyone you will feel free. There is a freedom to just being yourself and not caring what others think about you. If people can be themselves, why can't you be yourself? You deserve nothing less. May peace and love always be with you.