Monday, April 29, 2019

Choosing What We Need from Within

     Choosing what we need from within is being spiritual complete in every situation. Imagine we have a beautiful fruit tree within our mind and each piece of fruit represents an emotion. One piece of fruit might represent joy and another love, there is one for peace and another for happiness. We could continue and say there is one for thankfulness and one for forgiveness and all we have to do is to reach out and take one if we are in need.
     Choosing what we need from within is reaching for some happiness when we are sad. When our mind is troubled we will reach for the fruit of peace. If we have hate or guilt then we could use some to forgive and to forgive ourselves. 2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." Through God's spirit within us, we have what we need to have strength, peace of mind, love, and self-control. All we have to do is to put our mind, our thoughts and our prayers towards that to which we want. We have to make the effort ourselves and not to wait on others for our answers.
      You need to think about these questions. If you are alone who will forgive you? How will you find your love? Where will your joy come from? Can you be happy all by yourself?  The answer is you can forgive yourself, you can find love within yourself and have joy and happiness. You do not have to depend on others to give you what you need. All these things are within your reach just put your mind to them and choose them. God has given you what you need.
     God's word has instructed us to change the way we think. Ephesians 4:22-24 "to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness." If we place our trust in God and do his will our lives will change for the better. By listening to his words and doing them, our thinking will be lifted up to a higher place.
     We need a better way to live our lives and the Bible gives us God's wisdom to do just that. The Bible has inspirational stories to lift up our spirits. In today's world, there is much negativity. Sometimes we do not have any uplifting events or stories to tell. We even have a hard time to think in a positive way. This is where reading the Bible will give us a different outlook on life. We can read about how Jesus and the apostles endure a difficult life and how they cope with it. We can pattern our lives after them and find our hope within this negative world.
     Philippians 4:8,9 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me--practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

Friday, April 12, 2019

Don't Worry, Trust in God

     Don't worry, trust in God for he is in total control. There is no government, nor powerful men that can change his plan for our world. What he has planned for us will come into being at his appointed time. Believe in God and give him all of your trust for he will never disappoint you. In our eyes, our world may look chaotic but God is guiding us every step of the way. If we were to live long enough we would see the return of his son, Jesus Christ and nothing in this world or universe can stop that from happening. It is God's will. So I say to you don't worry for you are in God's hands.
     Do not let fear of current events overtake your emotions. Rest your hope in God for he will carry you through your troubles. When you fall he will catch you when you cry he will comfort you and when you are weak he will strengthen you with his spirit. God cares for you and he loves you. Tell God about your worries and your fears and trust in him to give you the answers that you need. Do not spend your time worrying about what you cannot control, some things are way out of your control and only God can handle it.
     Release your anxiety and relax, believe in God's words and wisdom. Trust in God that he is doing the right thing every day in your life. Our doubts will drown us in an ocean of our troubles but to place our trust and our hope in God will rescue us and save our lives. I will walk with God in total trust. I can rest at night knowing that our world is in his loving hands. So don't worry and trust in God with your whole heart. Believe in his words.

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Breath of Life

     What I like to do most is to find the truth about who we are. I look to find what we all have in common. A lot of people see divisions. They look at the world with their prejudice and bigotry. They preach about nationalism like it was their religion. I want to put aside all that and look at all of us as one people under God, who are equally loved by God.
     Today, I want to focus upon what God gave Adam at the beginning to bring Adam to life. Genesis 2:7 "then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." The breath of life that God gave to us is common to all of us. We can not live without it, without we will die.
     When do we really notice our breath? When we get ill and our nasal passages become blocked. When we do hard work or some sport where we run out of breath. Some people have panic attacks and their breathing becomes rapid. It seems to me, the only time we notice our breath is when something goes wrong with us. These occurrences of lack of breath show us that the way we breathe and how we breathe is important to us.
     A professional athletic whether a runner, a weightlifter or a swimmer tries to control his breathing when doing his or her sport. A panic attack victim will try to control their shallow breathing with some deep breaths. When I am in an anxious situation, I try to calm myself by concentrating on my breathing rather than letting my anxiety take control. Controlled breathing can calm the mind. Our breath is a gift from God isn't a good idea to know how to use it in every situation.
     I was reading about a therapy used on post-traumatic victims, especially veterans. These people have suffered the unimaginable. Their past thoughts bring back horrible images into their minds and because of that, they cannot see a hopeful future for themselves. The therapy that has been successful for them is called mindfulness. It focuses on the present moment only. It begins by calming the mind through proper breathing and thinking not on your past or your future by only on yourself and your environment in the present moment. Why, because you cannot change your past and you must change the way you think in the present to have a successful future. This all begins by learning how to breathe. Our breath not only keeps us alive but if we use it properly, we can live more happily.
     Just something so simple as learning how to control your breath can make a big difference in your life. God's gift "the breath of life" may be a gift that we all should be taking a closer look at. Calming the mind in a chaotic world does have its benefits. Learning how to breathe during strenuous work or exercise can make your life easier. The breath of life is in all of us, maybe we should all take a moment to breathe and thank God for his wonderful gift.

Job 34:14,15 "If he should set his heart to it and gather to himself his spirit and his breath, 15all flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust."