Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Turning Point

     When does a turning point happen in one's life? A point where you cannot go on as you have been doing. Where year after year you do the same things over and over again then something within you changes. A turning point happens. A realization that something is different and you no longer want to go on as you been doing before.
     I compare this change to holding on something so tight within your hand and never letting it go. Day after day you carry it with you. You do notice it is there and it makes your life difficult but yet you cannot let it go. Years past and nothing changes and you keep struggling through life. You try many things to make your life easier but you never find a way to let it go.
     Then something happens. A day comes where your grip starts to loosen and that something within your hand start to slip out. Your hand becomes so tired from holding on to it. Your mind and body had become so exhausted from the mental strain and you no longer want to hold on to it any more. You suddenly realize that the thing within your hand has lost it's power over you. It feels like a great weight lifted off your shoulders and you feel finally free. You feel a calm come over you and you feel more at peace. 
     You wonder how did this happen? Nothing you did on a concsious level worked but some how a change within you still happened. I think that you body and mind through the years became so tired and your body took over in order to survive. It relieved the pressure you put on it and in doing so loosening your grip on the object. The body relaxed your mind and loosened your grip at the same time. A turning point happened and you no longer wanted to hold on the the object. Your own body gave you a second chance to live a more healthy life.
     This is only one example of a turning point. A turning point can happen in many ways. Our mind and body can take only so much and then something has to change for our own good. We may live a certain way and think it is right however our mind and body could suffer from our decision. Time will tell us if we made the wrong choice because our physical and mental health will decline. Our happiness will fade and our enjoyment in life will become less. A turning point will become necessary to make us well again. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

If We Have No One, We Still Have God

      If we have no one, we still have God. I believe this is true from the day we are born to the day we die, God we be always with us throughout our lives. Even if we do not believe in him or even hate him for some reason, he will not abandoned us even though we have abandoned him. In each of us is his spirit that gave us life. It is our connection to God if we choose to use it.
     This seed of God, his spirit wants to grow and connect back to it's source. Within us his spirit raises us up higher than our basic self. Our basic self is designed for our survival whereas our higher self (God's Spirit within) is designed to be used by our basic self to do God's will on Earth. I think a lot of our loneliness comes from a lack of our connection to God. We look for a substitution for God by trying to find a connection with something or someone else and we fail to find any satisfaction. We become lost without a direction and lonely without a connection.
     Our true connection is connecting to the unconditional spirit of God. All we have to do is just be ourselves to be accepted and loved. Our connecting to God will be like connecting to our loving mother, father, sister, and brother all together as one. This will strengthen and refresh our whole soul. In trouble times we will find guidance. In sad times we will find hope. When lonely connecting to God, we will feel that we are not alone.
     If you feel you are not good enough to connect with God, you will be wrong for God is your source for forgiveness. If you cannot get any forgiveness from others, connecting to God will be your beginning to healing. Never believe your are unforgivable, why live your entire life in torment if you can have a little bit of peace? His spirit is still there within you waiting to connect to it's source. Why be broken if you can be made whole? You can be made whole by turning your face toward the light rather than away. Connecting to God's spirit within ourselves is our hope when there seems to be none.

1 Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you." 


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Heal Thyself

      We can be our own worst critic by overly judging ourselves. The endless cycle of criticism and negative thoughts about ourselves can get us down. It can lead us to depression and self isolation. We feel that others are judging us and it makes us not want to be around them. Our negative outlook can make us believe in a false reality that we will never feel good and that people will never like us. This false reality that we create in our mind becomes in a way our prison, a prison that we need to escape from and not continuing to enlarge it. It is why I say to you and to me, heal thyself.
     There is something that is hurting within you. Your inner self is being neglected and you have to nourish it back to health. If you hate yourself where will the healing come from if it isn't coming from you? Our healing must begin with ourselves. We sometimes must force ourselves to move forward.
     We must say to our hurting neglected soul, "Forgive me for not not loving you. Forgive me of not treating you better. Forgive me of believing in the lies that were within my mind telling me that you do not matter. I do feel you hurting and I want to understand why? I will listen and do the right thing to make you feel better. I will try to feel less sorry for myself and give you more of my time. I will love you with all of my heart so that you can feel it inside. We can grow closer together and be that person we want to be."
    Heal thyself, love thyself and be happy with yourself. Yourself needs your help and your love. 

Proverbs 10:12 "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs."

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Follow The Leader

      This is one of my earliest post. I written it because sometimes we follow and believe what we are told from a young age without question. Almost out of faith we believe what are mother and father is telling us is to be true because it was taught to them by their mother and father. Traditions are followed because they are handed down from one generation to the next and if you asked, "Why?" You will get the answer, "It is the way it has always been." Right or wrong we follow.

Follow The Leader

     Follow the leader many are doing. Someone takes the lead then others follow. A game that is played throughout the centuries. A game that is sustained and played even today.
     By following the leader a wall is built throughout time. A large wall built by many generations. Each adding to the structure. Each carrying it on, to the next.
     I look at the pages of history that are being written and each is the same as the other. The pages are handed down from father to son, from mother to daughter. The pages are instructing us on how to follow.
     Who is in error? That is a hard question to answer, when all of our hands are holding a brick to add upon a wall. A wall that most of us do not even question. We just do as we are told. It is follow the leader a game we play from birth.
     Am I wrong? I asked myself as I look at the brick that is in my hand. Do I want to add to this wall? A wall that I have no control over it's direction. Where is it going and when did it begun? Questions I have never really asked myself before. I just went along following after others building up a wall just because it was there.
     No more, No more following the leader without understanding. No more working upon a structure without a reason, why?
     It is strange to stop while others keep on working. I am no longer a part of the game. I have become a spectator, an outsider to that large group that is still playing. It is strange to be awake while others are still walking around in their sleep. I can feel the loneliness of being separated but I cannot return to my slumber. What now, I do not really know but no more of just following the leader.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Our Enjoyment

     Have we forgotten that our enjoyment is a vital part to our happiness? We may have if our responsibilities have taken over our lives and we have made great sacrifices in order to just survive in life. We put on hold what we really want to do in order to do what we believe is necessary. If we do this long enough and not balance it out with some sort of enjoyment a bitterness will take hold on our lives. You will look at others having fun and feel left out. You will see others smiling and laughing and feel betrayed because they are not feeling sad like you do. They are not doing anything wrong it is you who have ignored your own enjoyment and did not make any time for your own happiness.
     If we have any mental illness it to can blind us from our enjoyment by enslaving our mind to it's will. It will turn our thoughts inward towards fulfilling our obsession. The obsession becomes time consuming and never satisfying. We do what it wants us to do and not what makes us happy. Doing things that makes us happy is a way to our well being. Our sadness can be brought on by not doing anything that we enjoy.
     We do have responsibilities in our life but we need to make a little time for what we enjoy doing. Whether or not it is a hobby, outside activity, singing or dancing or something else if you like doing it, it is important to you and to your happiness. We should not over look the simple things in life that can make a difference in how we feel. Our worries, our anxieties and our many stresses in life can overwhelm us and make us to forget to just relax and enjoy our life. Sometimes we need to just slow down and find the things that makes us happy and then do them.

Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Beautiful Child, Believe

     This is an earlier post that I had written. I wanted to repost this because there are so many people that were and are now still being physically, emotionally and sexually abused. They are made to feel that they do not matter and are totally worthless. As a child, they could of had alcoholic or drug addicted parents that made their childhood toxic. They could have been preyed upon by a sexual predator. I wanted to tell them that there is still hope for them to have a better life.

Beautiful Child, Believe

     I want the sweet taste of a new beginning of a different life in a different world. I want to live my life the way it should be. I want to find a way to my happiness. Darkness, be no more.
    What is the price I am willing to pay in order to have my happiness? If my happiness comes with a price then I have not found my happiness at all. I believe that true happiness is a free gift from the spirit with no price tag upon it.
    What is deeply within my heart is where my happiness is. It lies in the innocent of a child that I once was. A time when all things were possible. A time where I carried much hope inside.
    What has taken away my happiness? What has rob me of my smile? It was when the child within became beaten up by the world. Hope and innocents became lost and many tears followed.
    In my silence my spirit spoke to me. It said, "Abused child weep no more. Abused child lay down your head and rest. Happiness has not abandoned you. Happiness has not left you. It is still there within your heart. Let down that guard, you put around your heart and begin to believe again.
    Beautiful child do not be listening to what the world is telling you. Do not be believing their words which brings you down. You are beautiful and you do count. Let no one tell you different. A star in heaven you started out to be and a star you now are. Bring forth that light within and let all the world to see it."

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Walking a Different Path

      1 Peter 3:9 "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." This verse tells us we should all be of the same mind when it comes to having sympathy, love, compassion and humility. Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." This verse tells us that we should be kind, compassionate and forgiving. These verses are telling us to have a different mind set, rather than being angry and full of hate we should be forgiving and full of love. They are showing us to be humble rather than acting superior. They show us that we can live our lives in a different way.
     We do not have to live our lives being held captive by our negative passions and emotions. We can break free from our old patterns of thought to do good things rather than doing destructive things. We can act differently if we choose to. We are creatures of habit so we may get stuck in a cycle of unhealthy thinking. We need to break free from that harmful cycle by thinking about something else. The apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Distracting our mind away from the negative to positive thinking is a good way to start thinking in a different way.
     We do not have to keep walking down the same path in life that bring us sadness. We can choose a different one that can lead to our happiness. We go where our mind leads us. If our thinking is good we will do good things and if our thinking is bad we will do bad things. Proverbs 2:20 "So you will walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous." This could be asked as a question. So will you walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous? This is a choice we each have to make everyday. So do we keep our mind on the path of righteousness or will we keep on thinking in the same way? It is our choice to make in what we do and how we think.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

No Choice to the Way I was Born

     Could I been a dog, could I been cat,
     could I been an elephant or could I been
     a giraffe?

     At birth I had no choice to be no other
     but me. White or black, rich or poor,
     beautiful or not is what I got. I had no
     choice to the way I was born.

     With arms or no arms, with legs or no
     legs, a mind of a genius or a mind of a
     child the dice rolls and I have to accept it.
     No choice, No choice to where and how
     I begun. Bless or cursed I had no choice
     at all. Hate me not for being my mother's
     and father's child. Innocently, I was born 
     into this world.

     This was an earlier post of mine. I wanted to repost this due to the increased racial tensions within our world. We should not be judged on our race, ethnicity or social class. Some people are born with mental and physical disabilities they should not be punished because of it. We should not have any less opportunity just because we were born poor or have a different skin color.    

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Acceptance and Love

     Imagine what it would feel like to be accepted and loved from one corner of the world to the next. Imagine what it would feel like to go to any country and be treated like family. Isn't this how we should be living together in our world as dear friends instead of being treated as a stranger or worst as a enemy? I believe if we could cultivate acceptance and love within ourselves without any judgement attached, it could be a beginning of something greater for ourselves and our world.
     I believe we should be concentrating on how to accept and love the people and other beautiful things within our world. Acceptance, love and contentment is our way to a greater awareness, it is a way to becoming closer to God. The more we are like our creator, the more we will be at peace with our world. If we are to calm the storm within us acceptance and love is a doorway we have to enter. When we calm our mind, acceptance and love will be there bring us peace and contentment to our soul and spirit.
     I can't help thinking if we could resonate acceptance and love within us it would be beneficial to our health and uplift our spirit. A calmer state of mind would makes us feel better. Our fears and worries would be less or maybe disappear all together. Our consciousness would be expanding and feeling the world around us as a positive rather than a negative. I believe that is what we should be doing trying to touch the mind of God by being like minded in someway. We need to end our separation and start to see our world as he would like for us to see it. Acceptance and love can be the beginning to a global unity. We can start the process by widening our own vision and opening our hearts to acceptance and love.

Romans 15:7 "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
1 John 4:8 "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Be Content

     I wrote on this topic before. The definition of content is a state of peaceful happiness and also a state of satisfaction. I keep coming back to the subject of contentment as a way to be happy. I recently watch a television program about one brother trying to get his own brother out of the way in order to receive a greater inheritance. He was finally arrested. The brother who was the victim had no clue what his brother was planning. He said to the commentator of the show that his brother should have been content with what he had. His wise words rang true to me. I also believe people would be more happy if they could just be more content with what they do have.
     If only we could say to ourselves everyday I have everything that I need, I believe this would be the beginning of our own happiness and contentment. We would not be wasting our time trying to be happy at attaining sometime in the future but having our happiness now through a peaceful and content state of mind. If you have your basic needs like shelter, food, good health, clothing and a source for some money, why not be happy with those basic things. Why wait until you reach for some goal that will take a long time to accomplish so to be happy?
    I believe happiness is a state of mind that people can achieve if they were just content with what they have. Why keep your mind focused on the things you do not have when you could be happy by just being thankful for the things that you do. We have to find a way to stop our mind from thinking about how empty we are to how full we are. Training our mind away from negative thinking is a hard thing to do but it something we must do if we want to be happy. We must train our mind to think that I have everything that I need instead of thinking that I need something more so to be content. If you don't do the work you we be forever looking and never finding what you need.
     Peace and contentment is now and not tomorrow. Be happy with what you have and if you do decide to get more then make sure your acting out of need than just accumulating more possessions. We must begin to do something different in order to change our ways. Our current state of mind of always wanting and never being satisfied must come to an end. If happiness is our goal, I believe that starting to be content with what we have now is a good beginning. If we can be happy with what little we do have today think how much more joy we will feel when we do get more. Contentment will lead you to happiness and when you feel satisfied you will feel full and not empty. Be content and you will begin to be happy.

1 Timothy 6:6-8 "But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 8But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content."

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Do You Have to Much Fear?

     Do you have to much fear? Is fear ruling over your life? Sometimes we want to do things but we hold back and we do not know why. We avoid situations that makes us feel uncomfortable. We isolate ourselves in order to protect ourselves from some occurrence that may never happen. We do what we think is expected from us in order to avoid unwanted attention. We do our best to fit in the background and not be notice. What is the result of all these actions. We missed out on things that could have made our lives more enjoyable and fulfilling.  
     Life is passing you by if fear is ruling over your life. You are not taking any risk so you are not learning anything new. Failure is apart of learning a new skill but if you think that failure will make you look foolish to someone you may not even try. You maybe to scared of their laughter or negative comments. Fear can make you stay in one place all your life without you ever venturing out to see what is out there.
     Fear may have a grip on you on a subconscious level, ruling over you in a hidden way. It may have been that you were abused as a child. You may have been raised in a family where there was drug and alcohol abuse. Your emotional growth could have been stunted by the early events that went on in your life. The emotional child within you never really grew and now all it wants to do is hide away from anything that might harm it. We may have grown up but the child within is still scared to death and influencing our decisions.
     It is good to really look at ourselves and to try to see what is hindering us from moving forward in life. We all are different so what maybe effecting me might not be effecting you. But I have to say, take a good look at fear and see if it is one of the causes that is keeping you from enjoying your life. Then if it is look for some solution that may help you because there is a lot of things that you could be doing and enjoying if you did not have to much fear.  

Isaiah 41:10 "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Friday, July 10, 2020

Cake and Icing

       I always like writing about our basic self. Like what do we have if all we have is ourself.  However I need to write about our need for companionship as well. We have a need to feel that we are not alone. We have a need to feel that we are accepted and that we matter to someone. I believe we all want a family and friends who care for us and maybe even love us in someway. I will call this the cake that we need.
    I believe, the icing in life is our successes, our money, house, car and all the other material wealth and gain that we have accumulated in our life. The icing really taste good with the cake and it makes us feel satisfied. However if all we have is the icing we will always feel that there is something missing from our lives. No amount of icing can replace the satisfaction that we get from the cake. On the other hand a cake without a little bit of icing our life will not taste so sweet. We need both the cake and the icing to make our life more livable.

1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us."   

Monday, June 15, 2020

What You Were Meant to Have

     What you were meant to have is to be happy, to have love and respect in all the days of your life. You were meant to be selfish in this by having has much love, respect and happiness that you can want. There is no limit to these things. No one can stop you from having love and respect. You give your own self permission to have it. If you did try to look to others to give you these things, you will be very disappointed.
     I know that you want people to love and respect you but most people do not love or respect themselves. They do not know how to give these things to you. They judge themselves way to harshly and come up short in their own expectations, so if they judge themselves that way, they will judge you even more. So I say do not wait for their approval but give yourself your own approval to respect yourself enough to love yourself and believe you do deserve to be happy and not just a few days but everyday of your life. This is your purpose in life to be happy, to have love and respect in all the days of you life. The secret in doing this is doing it for yourself and not waiting on others to do it for you.
     If you give yourself permission to have love and respect, you will be happier and more emotionally and spiritually stronger in life. You will be more center and at peace. You will be more capable at handling your problems. You will not let life roll on top of you but being at the center you will roll much easier with life. 
     Our happiness start with ourselves and so does our love. We cannot continue to be beggars in life for these vital things. We cannot let others to control us by their empty promises to love us more or working hard to earn their respect that never comes. It lies within our own hands whether or not we are loved and respected. Our happiness is what we give to ourselves or allow ourselves to have. It is our choice to make. 
     Allow yourself to have what you were meant to have. You were meant to be happy, to have love and to be respected, not just by others but most importantly by your own self.
     God believed in us enough to give us his only begotten son so don't you think it is time to believe in yourself if God believes in you.