Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Turning Point

     When does a turning point happen in one's life? A point where you cannot go on as you have been doing. Where year after year you do the same things over and over again then something within you changes. A turning point happens. A realization that something is different and you no longer want to go on as you been doing before.
     I compare this change to holding on something so tight within your hand and never letting it go. Day after day you carry it with you. You do notice it is there and it makes your life difficult but yet you cannot let it go. Years past and nothing changes and you keep struggling through life. You try many things to make your life easier but you never find a way to let it go.
     Then something happens. A day comes where your grip starts to loosen and that something within your hand start to slip out. Your hand becomes so tired from holding on to it. Your mind and body had become so exhausted from the mental strain and you no longer want to hold on to it any more. You suddenly realize that the thing within your hand has lost it's power over you. It feels like a great weight lifted off your shoulders and you feel finally free. You feel a calm come over you and you feel more at peace. 
     You wonder how did this happen? Nothing you did on a concsious level worked but some how a change within you still happened. I think that you body and mind through the years became so tired and your body took over in order to survive. It relieved the pressure you put on it and in doing so loosening your grip on the object. The body relaxed your mind and loosened your grip at the same time. A turning point happened and you no longer wanted to hold on the the object. Your own body gave you a second chance to live a more healthy life.
     This is only one example of a turning point. A turning point can happen in many ways. Our mind and body can take only so much and then something has to change for our own good. We may live a certain way and think it is right however our mind and body could suffer from our decision. Time will tell us if we made the wrong choice because our physical and mental health will decline. Our happiness will fade and our enjoyment in life will become less. A turning point will become necessary to make us well again. 

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