Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Continuing On

     Our Father in heaven gives us the power, the strength and the love to endure this world we live on. Help us to accomplish your will upon this world. Help us to bear up under our mortal weaknesses within our body and mind. Do not let us fall away from you but keep us close under your protection. Continue to watch over us as we go through our trails and tribulations in our life. Let not our heart to become so harden so as to not to show love. Have mercy upon our souls.
    As my body weakens let me not falter from the course I must follow. I will carry on as long as I can. Let my feet continue to walk upon the narrow path and please guide me to where I must go.  Even as my days are limited by a sickness within my body let each of those days be fruitful and pleasing to you. I will hold tight to my faith in you and to that promise of new world that is to come. I will continue to stand on your side and someday to be with you in your kingdom.
     Lord, what am I to do but to continue on serving you. You are the reason of my existence. You are my purpose to which I live. I cannot go on without you. Each day that I live I give my thanks to you. Lord, forgive me of my sins and watch out over my soul so I do not stumble and fall. I will try my best to continue on doing your will while enduring the pain and suffering of life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.   

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