Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Prayer of The Heart

     A prayer from your heart is a true connection to God. It is a pure connection from deep down within your soul. When you pour out your heart to God with all sincerity he will listen to you. Psalm 145:18 " The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Psalm 44:21 "Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart." God will know if our prayer was sincere for he knows what is within of our heart. 
     In this sincerity of prayer we show him our true self. God knows our hearts maybe that is why he continues to let the sunshine and the rain fall. He sees past our imperfections and sees a people who can be better. In our failings and vulnerabilities, God continues to show us his mercy and love by helping us.
     When we are at a low point in our life we will say a heartfelt prayer. When we are at a low point, we will asked for God's intervention. In this time of need even a wolf will become a sheep in need of a shepherd.
     Maybe there is a sheep inside of all of us and under certain conditions it appears. A sheep that God sees and loves. God waits patiently for people's hearts to soften and his flock to form (2 Peter3:9). In their prayer's he hears their voice and answers them according to his will. In our time of helplessness, we are meek and our minds are open for any type of help. We cry out to God and he listens. He sees our frailties and our mortal condition and shows us his mercy. His showers down upon us his undeserving forgiveness and love. 
     A simple prayer from my heart I will pray to God. In all due humility and respect I will bow my head low. A prayer of thankfulness for all that he has done. I am thankful for his mercy and kindness. He is our heavenly Father and we are his flock, like lost sheep we will always have need for his help. "Heavenly Father I pray for forgiveness of our sins and please continue to watch over us and protect us. Thank you for your love that you have shown us. Keep us safe from evil and help us resist temptation so that we do not go astray. Thank you for listening to us and answering our prayers. My we all stay as sheep in your sight so that you can shepherd over us and leads us out of our troubles. In Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen."

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