Thursday, September 28, 2023

He Rescued Me

     As a child I lacked a father figure. My father was a alcoholic lets say he was just absent from my life even though he was around. My mother was just the opposite she was attentive, loving and kind. She had a bible study once a week at the house and I would sit and listen to them talk most of the time. It was there where I learned about a heavenly Father who look over his children in a loving way. I was immediately drawn to the conversation for a loving father is what I was lacking in my life. I began to study more about this heavenly Father and how he care for his children.
     By studying the scriptures, I found that our Father who is in heaven is a God of love (1John 4:7,8). A God who watches over us and protects us from harm (Psalms 121:5-8). A God who provides for us (Phil 4:19) and a God who listens to us (Jer. 29:12,13). He was everything that I could want from a father. So I began my journey to know more about him so to become closer to him and him to me. He became my father figure that was missing from my life. He was my role model to which to follow and to learn from. He gave me hope and meaning to my life. Where there was fear there is now peace. Where there was darkness there is now light. He rescued me with his love.
     I told you this story not to draw your sympathy or pity. I told you this story to give you hope that whatever you are lacking in your life God can fulfill. Life can be hard and we can become broken inside but God can fix us and make us whole again if we let him. He can and will rescue you if you call out to him. Your are his child and he is your loving Father who cares for you. Your suffering can end if you lay down your burdens upon him. Jesus Christ who is the image of God (Col.1:15) said these words in Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

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