Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Age of the Prodigal Son

     If Adam and Eve would have stayed in paradise everything would be alright. However out the gate he and Eve went into the thrones and thistles upon our world. They gave up all that they had for what they did not possess. Believing in what God had forbid was good to eat. They doubted the word of God and believed in the lie that the devil told. The lie took them down a road to sin and death.
     The prodigal son like Eve desired the forbidden fruit. He left his paradise, his home and went into a foreign land after it. There he ate his fill. However like the forbidden fruit of Eden it soured his stomach and brought him down into a spiritual death. What he thought he wanted he did not want nor even need. The lie was at work within his mind pushing him down the same road to sin and death. He finally walked away from the lie and found his happiness, when he returned home. Adam and Eve could not return to their home in paradise but they knew there lied the truth and their happiness.
     This is the age of the prodigal son. Where people are still believing in the lie and looking else where for their happiness. The bread of life is from God and so is the truth. A day will come when we will get tired of following the lie. Our eyes will open and we will see the truth. Then we will finally return to our Father, our true home. There we will find our happiness and our peace.

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