Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Survival of the Fittest?

     Survival of the fittest is what I hear from some people. They lived their lives by it but I was not aware we were living in a jungle and living by the laws of animals and beasts. I thought we were humans living under a higher law of humanity. Perhaps I have been mistaken and the nature of the beast controls over us. Because of my non-compliance to the laws of the jungle I have been made a stranger and even an outcast to those who live by them.
     It is so easy to hurt others in the jungle if you view your life that way. You look at others like an enemy, someone to manipulate and take advantage of. Everyone around you maybe except your family are objects that get in your way. You make the law of the beast into the law of men. You cast away all that we are and you hinder all that we can be. You do things only for yourself and do not consider anybody else at all.
     You do not care if people are suffering or even if you are causing that suffering as long as you are not the one suffering. Beast are to the right and left of you. Beast are all around you. In the jungle is where your mind is fighting for your survival.
     As for me, I see no jungle but only in the minds of those who hurt others for their own advantage. In my eyes, I see a world filled with people with a heart and feelings just like me. I see us not living in a jungle but living upon a world that was created by a loving God.
     I do care what happens to you, to me and to our world. It matters to me when people hurt. It matters to me when they cry out for help. I can hear and see their pain. My eyes are not closed and my heart is still soft enough to feel. A heart that can no longer feel is indeed dead.
    We who live upon this planet are not beast but human beings with a kind and loving heart. Only by choice you have close yourself off to others and took up a defensive stand against them. Only by choice you decided not to stand like a human being but to crawl around like a beast, ripping and tearing at your brothers and sisters.
     I believe those with a survival mind set can change. They just need to soften their hearts just a little and to put down the defenses that they put against us. They need to take a long hard look at those that are around them and see that they are not their enemies at all.
     We are not beasts but human beings. Jesus Christ loved us all enough to die for us, can we not find enough love within our hearts to be kind to one another, to treat each other with a certain amount of respect and human dignity.

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