Friday, March 18, 2011

Honoring the Image of God

     The image of God is who we are. We have a reflection of him within. Runaway and hide from him we cannot do for we carry apart of him with us. Respect to that image and honor for it, for out of innocents it was born. Tainted not by the world but made pure by God's spirit, each of us at birth a perfect image.
     I cannot harm that image of God without doing harm to my soul. It was never meant to suffer or to be in pain. It was never meant to bleed or to die. The image of God was meant to be perfect and to last forever but the devil is having his way. He is rolling that image through the mire and the filth. He is enjoying in doing harm to it in every way. For not with honor, nor with respect will he give to it. Out of his disgust he will trample upon it with his hate. He demeans it and humiliates it and makes it bow before him. The image of God he does not want to see. He wants to see an image reflecting himself.
     I believe the blessed image of God will always stay and become even more brighter everyday. No devil can permanently dim his image or make it go away. We the image of God will overcome and be what we were meant to be. I believe a new world lies ahead of us filled with the image of his love. Bright as the sun and all the stars in heaven our spirits will be. We are the image of God and no one can take that away.

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