Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tears of Hope

     I listened to a man singing a simple child song on television. His eyes teared up during his performance. The song was about not giving up on hope and the positive connection that we can have with each other. It was about not giving up on our belief that our world can be better place. This singer lived a hard life of doing drugs and getting drunk. Just like many celebrities he lived his life excessively. I believe that song brought back memories of his own childhood where he was more hopeful and had a better outlook on life. In a way that song soften his heart and brought a few tears to his eyes.
     I saw in the tears of this musician even though he was very old there was still hope for him to change his ways. Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." When the hardness of the heart softens it starts becoming pure and in this purity the light of God's truth can be understood. Empathy and hope can still be restored if your heart can still move you to tears. I believe as long as we are still alive and no matter how old we are we can still be redeemed and start a new path in our lives. Tears in our eyes brought on by a song that we heard could restore our hope and bring us a new beginning.

Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

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