Wednesday, October 9, 2024

We are Brought Together in Christ

     We may have different taste. We have different looks. We may come from different countries. Our social status may also be different. However if we are Christians our worship will be directed towards Jesus Christ. In Christ we stand on common ground. We may disagree on many different things but we are in total agreement that Jesus Christ die to take away our sins. We are drawn to his words of love for us. We come from many different backgrounds but we all walk upon the narrow path to be with Jesus in his kingdom.
     We are united in Christ. We are a large family walking together in the same direction. Whether or not if we are rich or poor we are the same when we bow before the throne of God. When we look at each other we see differences however inside of us our love for our God is the same. Separate we maybe on the outside but on the inside we are united in Jesus Christ. It maybe hard for you to look past their differences and to see what is within the heart of another but we have to trust their sincerity of their worship. How can you call them your brothers and sisters in Christ if you have doubts?  If your mind is filled with suspicion and doubts, how can you ever become close to them?
     We must not be overly judgmental of each other when we come together. Our mission is not to create hard feelings and division among our brothers and sisters but to create unity with trust and love. God called each of us to him lets not say my calling is greater than my brother's. If your brother is worshiping with you then God is working with him the same as he is working with you. Leave it in God's hands to work things out and continue to love each other as God loves you.
     Something inside of us yearn for the love of Jesus Christ. We heard the voice of our master and we wanted to be close to him. We wanted to find his other sheep to be friends with and to share our love for our God with them. We want to be accepted and to belong among our brothers and sisters in Christ. Different we maybe but our love for our God is not less. We all want to feel the love that God has for us. We are not so different in our worship. Our eyes look up to God and pray for his help in our lives. We are brought together in Christ under God in unity as one body with a like mind spreading his words of love and hope to all the world. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Jesus Christ so Powerful and Yet so Humble

      Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings (Rev.17:14). He was in the beginning with God and all things were made through him (John 1:2,3). Jesus is far above all rule and authority and power and dominion (Eph.1:21). God put all things under his feet (Eph.1:22). Jesus while on Earth could had the help of 12 legions of angels (72,000 angels) if he so wanted (Matt.26:53). Jesus Christ is far powerful than any leader that ever lived and yet he lived his life in a humble manner.
     The apostle Paul described the humility that Jesus Christ taught and showed him. The apostle Paul said in Philippians 2:3,4 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." He said in Philippians 2:6,8 that Jesus came in the form of God and lead a life as a servant. He said that Jesus humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death by dying on the cross. Jesus Christ served God by not dominating over us with his superiority but out of his love he humbly served us. 
     Jesus Christ was humble enough to even wash the feet of his disciples. John 13:4,5 "rose from the supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him." He did this to show them that he was going to wash away their sins and make them clean. This most powerful man who ever lived was humble enough to wash his disciple's feet like he was their servant. What leader today can even compare to him? How great the difference is between the leader of the Kingdom of Heaven and our leaders upon this Earth.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

If I Could

    If I could I would lay down my life as a sacrifice so as to save people and take away their pain. I would say to the world if you hate someone then direct that hate towards me. If you want to insult someone then insult me. I would deflect for others the racial and demeaning comments and bear up under their attacks. I would stand in front of my brothers and sisters to protect them so to ease their pain and suffering if I could. If I could I would make myself a center point for all the world's attacks so that others may live in peace without fear. I wish if I could to make a great change in our world.
     The children are crying and the adults do not know what to do I want to dry their tears and give them hope for their future if I could. Our world seems like it's crumbling down around us and it feels that we are at the edge of destruction I wish I could make it all better if I could. May God help us to find our way out of all this mess. I want to help him in helping us if I could. Let us make tomorrow to be a happier place if we could.
     Let the I's turn into we. If we could love one another then we could trust each other. If we could trust each other then we could help each other without fear. If we could sacrifice a little of our time to help it could make a great difference in our world. If we could make people a priority over money and things a change will definitely happen. If we could replace hate with love within our hearts people could live without worry. Many standing together hand in hand is a lot better than one man standing alone. The words if we could if acted upon will have a far greater impact than only if I could.     

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Continuing On

     Our Father in heaven gives us the power, the strength and the love to endure this world we live on. Help us to accomplish your will upon this world. Help us to bear up under our mortal weaknesses within our body and mind. Do not let us fall away from you but keep us close under your protection. Continue to watch over us as we go through our trails and tribulations in our life. Let not our heart to become so harden so as to not to show love. Have mercy upon our souls.
    As my body weakens let me not falter from the course I must follow. I will carry on as long as I can. Let my feet continue to walk upon the narrow path and please guide me to where I must go.  Even as my days are limited by a sickness within my body let each of those days be fruitful and pleasing to you. I will hold tight to my faith in you and to that promise of new world that is to come. I will continue to stand on your side and someday to be with you in your kingdom.
     Lord, what am I to do but to continue on serving you. You are the reason of my existence. You are my purpose to which I live. I cannot go on without you. Each day that I live I give my thanks to you. Lord, forgive me of my sins and watch out over my soul so I do not stumble and fall. I will try my best to continue on doing your will while enduring the pain and suffering of life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.   

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Prayer of The Heart

     A prayer from your heart is a true connection to God. It is a pure connection from deep down within your soul. When you pour out your heart to God with all sincerity he will listen to you. Psalm 145:18 " The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Psalm 44:21 "Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart." God will know if our prayer was sincere for he knows what is within of our heart. 
     In this sincerity of prayer we show him our true self. God knows our hearts maybe that is why he continues to let the sunshine and the rain fall. He sees past our imperfections and sees a people who can be better. In our failings and vulnerabilities, God continues to show us his mercy and love by helping us.
     When we are at a low point in our life we will say a heartfelt prayer. When we are at a low point, we will asked for God's intervention. In this time of need even a wolf will become a sheep in need of a shepherd.
     Maybe there is a sheep inside of all of us and under certain conditions it appears. A sheep that God sees and loves. God waits patiently for people's hearts to soften and his flock to form (2 Peter3:9). In their prayer's he hears their voice and answers them according to his will. In our time of helplessness, we are meek and our minds are open for any type of help. We cry out to God and he listens. He sees our frailties and our mortal condition and shows us his mercy. His showers down upon us his undeserving forgiveness and love. 
     A simple prayer from my heart I will pray to God. In all due humility and respect I will bow my head low. A prayer of thankfulness for all that he has done. I am thankful for his mercy and kindness. He is our heavenly Father and we are his flock, like lost sheep we will always have need for his help. "Heavenly Father I pray for forgiveness of our sins and please continue to watch over us and protect us. Thank you for your love that you have shown us. Keep us safe from evil and help us resist temptation so that we do not go astray. Thank you for listening to us and answering our prayers. My we all stay as sheep in your sight so that you can shepherd over us and leads us out of our troubles. In Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen."

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A Bearer of Light

      Nathan's Hale famous words "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." I would like to go further and say "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my God." 1 John 4:8 "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." God is love and I would die for him a thousand times over to keep love alive in this world. Never do I want love to disappear from our world. A world without love is a world full of hopelessness and despair. Without love within our hearts, fear will take over and fill our world full of violence and death.
     What can I do to save our world from itself is to carry the light of our Lord within my heart and never to let it go. Jesus said to us in Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." I carry the light of our Lord within my heart and I want to share that love with others. I will not walk a dark path doing evil because I love the feeling of the light within me.
     Why do people attack verbally and physically the light bearers of God? It is total insanity to me. The light bearers shine the love of God upon this world. They walk a righteous path, doing good works and preaching about loving each other instead of hating. Colossians 3:12-15 "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
     Yes I am willing to lay down my life for all the good things that God represents. I cannot see in the dark nor can I live in the dark, I must have light to live. I want to live in a world that has compassion and kindness. I want all of us to live without fear. I want love to rule over our hearts so to have peace and security within our lives. I will continue to be a light bearer for our Lord in order that one day to live in a better world. I will continue to serve the God of love until my dying day.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Our God is our Savior

     When you are living your life, you can lose your way.  You can lose your sense of purpose. You can become so tired that it feels like all you are doing is watching time pass you by. You do what needs to be done but the joy is not there. You do care to what is going on around you however you lack the interest and the motivation to do anything. You are at a lost to what to do because you have veered from your course and from the source of your very existence. It is the source that brought you your happiness and joy. It uplifted you when you were down. It gave your life meaning and hope. The source that I am talking about is from God himself.
    How many times do we get lost in life, many I believe. We may know a lot about the Bible and our hearts are for God however we will still lose our way sometimes. God will still need to seek us out so to bring us home. Our human condition is weak and we need God as our strength. When we find ourself separated from him our life begins to have little joy or direction. Without God in our lives our life's meaning will become increasingly cloudy as time goes by. We will go into a slumber state of mind until we seek him out again.
     Over and over we will repeat our error. We do not have to be to hard on ourselves. We are just imperfect human beings trying to do our best. We need forgiveness and understanding more than judgement and punishment. We need God in our lives to guide our way. We need his love. We need his light so to see through the darkness. Our God is our savior, we cannot live our lives without him. Lost we are without him but with him we are saved.

Isaiah 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation."
Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Psalm73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.