Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Our Common Needs

     What is that connects me to those in the past, now and in the future? What is that I see in them that are the mirror image of me? What is it that makes me feel for them as they would feel for me? The answer our common needs.
     How hurtful it is for someone to be without their needs. I can feel for those who are without their needs. I can feel for those who are starving because they are lacking in their need for food. I hurt for the ones who are sad because they are lacking their need for happiness. I know their emptiness in the ones who are lacking in their need for love.
     There are those who are violent because they cannot find their need of peace. There are those people who are thirsting because lacking their need of water. I can understand peoples loneliness when they are lacking in their need for friends. It does not matter who or where you are we all have common needs.
     We all have a need for shelter, a need for warmth, a need for health, a need of purpose and a need for love. We have a need for kindness and for forgiveness. We need respect. We need to belong. We need the understanding of others and the need for worship and prayer. These needs of ours are inside everyone of us without them we hurt with them we are made satisfied. Our common needs ties us together as one.
     It does not matter what race or nationality or whether or not we are now or a thousand years ago our common needs are always there. If we are lacking our needs, we will look for them and some will even fight for them. Some of our needs we would die if we do not have them. Our needs are important to everyone one of us. War is started because some have and some do not. Our needs are essential to our survival and to have a happy life.
     I look at not the color, nation or race. I look at the people and their needs. Their needs are the same as mine. Their lives are just as important and their needs are just as important as mine. We are one family under God with common needs.
     Why does one have comfort and the other does not? Why are the needs of one met and the other goes lacking? Sometimes I have and sometimes not my needs. I know what it is to have and know what it is to not have. My life is like other people. When they are lacking I know their pain. I am link as they are to our common needs.
     Today I do have but tomorrow I might be without my needs. I cannot turn my back on those without for tomorrow I could be just the same. One human being is the same as the other when it comes to our common needs.
     Compassion I give because compassion I need, forgiveness I give for forgiveness I need and love I give because love is what I need. These are some of our common needs. Some maybe less and some maybe more but still these are our needs.
     Our common needs maybe a test for our human race. A lesson for one equals the other; an equation needed to be learned by all. If I can be hurt by my lack of my needs another can be hurt as well. I am unique and independent however my needs are just the same. My flesh the same as yours and so are my needs. I equal you and you equal me in just one image the mirror reflects all of us and all of our common needs.

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