Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Be Content

     I wrote on this topic before. The definition of content is a state of peaceful happiness and also a state of satisfaction. I keep coming back to the subject of contentment as a way to be happy. I recently watch a television program about one brother trying to get his own brother out of the way in order to receive a greater inheritance. He was finally arrested. The brother who was the victim had no clue what his brother was planning. He said to the commentator of the show that his brother should have been content with what he had. His wise words rang true to me. I also believe people would be more happy if they could just be more content with what they do have.
     If only we could say to ourselves everyday I have everything that I need, I believe this would be the beginning of our own happiness and contentment. We would not be wasting our time trying to be happy at attaining sometime in the future but having our happiness now through a peaceful and content state of mind. If you have your basic needs like shelter, food, good health, clothing and a source for some money, why not be happy with those basic things. Why wait until you reach for some goal that will take a long time to accomplish so to be happy?
    I believe happiness is a state of mind that people can achieve if they were just content with what they have. Why keep your mind focused on the things you do not have when you could be happy by just being thankful for the things that you do. We have to find a way to stop our mind from thinking about how empty we are to how full we are. Training our mind away from negative thinking is a hard thing to do but it something we must do if we want to be happy. We must train our mind to think that I have everything that I need instead of thinking that I need something more so to be content. If you don't do the work you we be forever looking and never finding what you need.
     Peace and contentment is now and not tomorrow. Be happy with what you have and if you do decide to get more then make sure your acting out of need than just accumulating more possessions. We must begin to do something different in order to change our ways. Our current state of mind of always wanting and never being satisfied must come to an end. If happiness is our goal, I believe that starting to be content with what we have now is a good beginning. If we can be happy with what little we do have today think how much more joy we will feel when we do get more. Contentment will lead you to happiness and when you feel satisfied you will feel full and not empty. Be content and you will begin to be happy.

1 Timothy 6:6-8 "But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 8But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content."

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Do You Have to Much Fear?

     Do you have to much fear? Is fear ruling over your life? Sometimes we want to do things but we hold back and we do not know why. We avoid situations that makes us feel uncomfortable. We isolate ourselves in order to protect ourselves from some occurrence that may never happen. We do what we think is expected from us in order to avoid unwanted attention. We do our best to fit in the background and not be notice. What is the result of all these actions. We missed out on things that could have made our lives more enjoyable and fulfilling.  
     Life is passing you by if fear is ruling over your life. You are not taking any risk so you are not learning anything new. Failure is apart of learning a new skill but if you think that failure will make you look foolish to someone you may not even try. You maybe to scared of their laughter or negative comments. Fear can make you stay in one place all your life without you ever venturing out to see what is out there.
     Fear may have a grip on you on a subconscious level, ruling over you in a hidden way. It may have been that you were abused as a child. You may have been raised in a family where there was drug and alcohol abuse. Your emotional growth could have been stunted by the early events that went on in your life. The emotional child within you never really grew and now all it wants to do is hide away from anything that might harm it. We may have grown up but the child within is still scared to death and influencing our decisions.
     It is good to really look at ourselves and to try to see what is hindering us from moving forward in life. We all are different so what maybe effecting me might not be effecting you. But I have to say, take a good look at fear and see if it is one of the causes that is keeping you from enjoying your life. Then if it is look for some solution that may help you because there is a lot of things that you could be doing and enjoying if you did not have to much fear.  

Isaiah 41:10 "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Friday, July 10, 2020

Cake and Icing

       I always like writing about our basic self. Like what do we have if all we have is ourself.  However I need to write about our need for companionship as well. We have a need to feel that we are not alone. We have a need to feel that we are accepted and that we matter to someone. I believe we all want a family and friends who care for us and maybe even love us in someway. I will call this the cake that we need.
    I believe, the icing in life is our successes, our money, house, car and all the other material wealth and gain that we have accumulated in our life. The icing really taste good with the cake and it makes us feel satisfied. However if all we have is the icing we will always feel that there is something missing from our lives. No amount of icing can replace the satisfaction that we get from the cake. On the other hand a cake without a little bit of icing our life will not taste so sweet. We need both the cake and the icing to make our life more livable.

1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us."