Saturday, March 24, 2018

Life Giving Love

     I really have not given this concept of life-giving love much thought. How we are lost without love within our own lives. Love sustains us and pushes us forward by encouraging us to carry on. It lifts our spirits and gives us hope. All is not lost if we have love in our lives.
     In self-gratification, one takes without the consideration of another, no love is given from that selfish act. In giving your love, you care and are sensitive to a person's needs. You wish them well in their endeavors and lend a helping hand when you can. You care for that whole person and not from what you can get from them. You love them and help them to flourish rather than take advantage of them. Life-giving love is compassionate, kind and unselfish. It can breathe new life into a lost soul.
     A pouring out of your love into the world is what our world needs. Love can heal a festering wound whereas hate will keep it open. A healing is needed badly within our world and only those with a loving heart can help those who are hurting. A giver of love is what the takers in this world is really looking for. They are looking for life's meaning and love can open that door. It can give them a direction to go in. They will be looking into the light rather than the darkness. In the light, they will see what was missing in their lives and it was love.
     Find that spark of love within your own life. Start by thinking about someone you really care for and mentally wish them well. Project only good thoughts toward them and feel that warmth within yourself. Let the love you find within yourself soften your heart and let kindness and compassion take hold. Practice to be a better person. Let the old ways past away and a new you take over. Pray for others that they may find love and be changed by it. Love is life giving, for God created us from his love and God is love (1 John 4:8). 

Friday, March 9, 2018

I Was Not Left Without a Connection

      Separation, Isolation, a feeling of being less and without. I made these things apart of my belief about myself. I realize there are different ways you can view your existence. I want to focus this post on two ways of living. I will call them the external and the internal.belief in ourselves.
     The external belief consists of everything outside of ourselves, everything that we touch, see, hear and smell. The internal is how we perceive and interpret what our senses are telling us. You could call them our outer world and our interworld. In a spiritual way, you could call them the flesh and the spirit.
     Externally, we walk about in our environment in a vehicle of flesh and bone. We are separate from everything as everything is separate from us. However, internally we can feel connected to everything and believing that everything is connected to us. A feeling of isolation can come from believing only in the external and not the internal. It doesn't help if we are suffering from depression in which will cause us to feel isolated and separated from everyone else. A belief could form that I am alone and I am nothing within our world. A depressed person will be trying their best to live in a state sadness and isolation.
     The external living is trying to have happiness by attaining more things and looking to gain power and control by buying your way through life, not through respect and honor but through wealth alone. In external living, you connect through ownership. Possessing something becomes your form of connection. Possession brings yourself only temporary satisfaction.
     The internal living is being contented and thankful for what you have. It is a peaceful connection to your environment. Not trying to own it but to enjoy it the way it is. It is letting people live the way they want to live without trying to control them. Deception is part of the external and honesty is part of the internal. Peace, love, and happiness come from the internal.
     I can say that I am not left without a connection if I connect to my inner self. If I live only viewing the outside of myself, I will feel isolated from my environment. Externally, I am isolated and separated from the things around me but internally, I am spiritually connected to everything. From the internal, is where my connection to God is made.

1 Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?"