Saturday, March 14, 2015

Trying to Get it Right

     Making the right decisions in life is sometimes hard to do, because of what we think is not always right. We might make a snap decision out of anger or an impulse. We might let our emotions get the better part of us or in an opposite way make a decision in a pure intellectual way without any empathy for others. Life can become very complicated at times and our path very unclear. But all we can do is to try to get it right, and do the best we can with what we have.
     For me I have try to advance my knowledge of the Bible and try my best to understand what Jesus Christ wants me to do. I have found the more that I have lived by the words of Jesus Christ the better my life has become. For example, when I was in high school I participated in a door to door ministry that my church was doing at the time. At that time my grades was about a C average but when I started to do the door to door ministry my grades went up to A's and B's. This surprised me, the only thing I was doing different was going door to door trying to spread the message of Jesus Christ. I felt good at doing this because I believed that I was making a difference in our world. I was following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and trying to make disciples of others. It brought me more happiness to my life and I felt that my mind was more open and connected to the spirit of God. This uplifting energy that I was feeling was making a substantial difference in my school work.
     So some things we decide to do, will make a major impact on our lives while others things that we do will effect us less. Sometimes things will happen to us that is out of our control and we have to adapt our lives around it and try to live with it. We have to cope with the problems that comes along in our life using our decisions. I use my Bible to help me solve my problems and make my decisions. I find the answers that I find there are a lot better than the ones that I can come up with on my own.
     Trying to get it right in my life is an on going process. I will always try to do the best that I can while using God's word as much as I can. Sometimes I feel so limited in this physical body, I feel at times I want to bust free of it and fly with the angels and to know all there is to know and be perfect in every way but alas, I am still a human being and I will just have to deal with my limitations. The breath of life is still within me and there is still more for me to do.      

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