Saturday, January 10, 2015

What's Important (an insight)

     Matthew 5:40 "And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well." This verse is saying to me is that what we have materially should not be the most important thing in our life. You do that by freely handing the garment over to that person who is taking that item from you without harming him in the process. You show him by giving it to him that you place more value on something else than your physical belongings. If he wants something that you have, you say, "Here have another," by doing this you diminished the value of that thing before his eyes.
     Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." Jesus is again is telling us to place little value on our possessions and greater value on our inner relationship with God and our love for each other. The Bible has taught us this lesson over and over again throughout the scriptures.
     I have thought about other spiritual people within our world who live with less and try to gain a greater understanding about their existence. They look to God and within themselves for the answers. They do not seek satisfaction by having many things. They seek a closer relationship with God without having many distractions.
     I have thought about this statement; by having less you are less distracted. I think about it every time something of mine needs repairing or replacing. It seems to me the more you have the less time you have for the more important things in your life. In my opinion, the material things of my life have distracted me from growing closer to God. There are many different things in your life that will slowly distract you away from God. You want a closer relationship with him but over a period of time you can be so distracted that you find yourself distant from him.
     What's important? We are important. The ones who he created in his image. He loves us and not the things that we have. He wants us to grow spiritually not materially. He wants us to make more time so as to get to know him. He is saying to us, "Do not ignore me, I love you as my child, just call out to me and I will answer you."
     What I am trying to say to others and to myself is to make more time for God and less time for our material distractions. Place more value in the wisdom of God over the wisdom of the world. Do not not let the things of the world come between you and God.


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