Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Folly

     My narrow views are my folly. My wants and desires are my folly. Misinterpretations, anger, confusions and hatred are a product of my ego's own error.
     My ego has ruled my body. It has over shadowed my true desires and that error has kept me away from a greater understanding. It keeps me from discovering my own true self.
     I once had an experience of my ego separating from my spirit. I could see clearly how my wrong attitude or understanding of past situations colored my present decisions. The spirit is pure but the ego is tainted by sin and can be influenced easily. What seem like the right course at the time was not the true spiritual way that was required. My ego over shadowed my judgement.
     My ego created a rift between my inner spirit and my outer self. A barrier between me and God. My folly continues even today. Misinterpreting the information that I get from this world, placing it on the negative side rather on the positive. Avoiding society rather than getting involved. Getting out of life what I put in to it, not much at all.
     I believe the greatest predicament that Adam and Eve faced was not the expulsion from paradise but having their right to choose. God believes in us to make the right decisions and he does so even today. By our right to choose we learn to be responsible for our decisions. Our choices becomes a measurement of our spiritual development. It would be easy to go about as a marionette having God to do all of our living for us. However we are individuals with the ability to choose and choose we must, living with the consequences of our choices.
     Christ conferred with God before making any major decisions. He diminished his ego. He increased his connection to God everyday. Seeing Jesus Christ was like seeing God. He did not lose himself but found himself. The golden light from God shown brightly upon him. Like Christ, I to needed to make the effort to reach for God's helping hand. If I never looked to God, how will my spirit ever grow? I cannot settle for less are I will become less within myself. We are individuals but we are not divided from our source of life. We are more than we think we are. We are more than we show ourselves and to others.
     The ego is like an unruly child that must be discipline. It must be brought before the Father regularly for instruction. This is necessary in order for the ego to grow into a mature responsible adult. It will reflect the light from which the instruction came. Without this meeting it will never grow. It will be like a child that is confused, angry, always wanting and starved for spiritual food. The ego will be searching for it's meaning and purpose. It will feel separated and unloved. It will feel forgotten as if no one cares.
     We as a society neglect our spiritual development. We are not just flesh and blood but born from spirit and depart in spirit. The spirit of God that is within you must be feed regularly. God's spirit is apart of us. It is the best part of us. We cannot ignore it.
     Walk with God and become his children as Christ instructed us to do. Then there will be no more darkness and confusion. The golden light of God's knowledge and wisdom will lessen our folly and bring peace and harmony to our souls, our egos and our spirit.

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