Monday, February 14, 2011

The Jewel of God

     In the beginning God made man and woman. He fashioned all of his creations with purity and love. Just as a skill sculptor, he chip away all the undesirable traits. What was left was a beautiful jewel whose facets reflected every aspect of God's spirit. It was perfect in every way. The first man and woman was apart of this great and beautiful jewel of God.
     God wanted all of his creations to honor his design. He did not want them to separate or defile it in any way. A great star they were pulsating with the light of God's holy spirit. They were united as one family in heaven and upon the Earth. However, the first man and woman took for granted all that they had. They had everything. They had no wants. Everything was provided by God's own hand. He loved all of his creations so very much. God wanted them to continue to be a family forever.
     Man and woman were soon to separate from their God given paradise. Man and woman became curious of the pieces of the jewel God had discarded. God warned them to let them be. Man and woman disobey their Father and proceeded to do what they wanted to do. They pick up those pieces. Their focus no longer upon the whole but upon the separate discarded pieces of God's creation. Those pieces once touched by man and woman brought in division and imperfection to their spirit. They became like those God discarded pieces. No longer were they whole and complete in spirit but now had a division within their souls. No longer were they a family in harmony. They were now a divided family with their own wants and desires. They were separate from their Father, their life source of happiness and contentment.
     The first man and woman of God felt their sin. They knew what wrong that they had done. Paradise, peace and harmony was lost to them and now a reunification had begun. These beings were like those discarded pieces on the sculptor's floor. They needed and wanted their place back in paradise.
     This now tainted creatures of God could not be restored to the perfect jewel. They had to be redeem and made pure again. There had to be no imperfection found in them. God could not let them to return to their upper position with sin remaining upon them. They would have affected the entire heavens if allowed to remain. His brightly lit jewel would lack luster and sparkle. No longer would it be a guiding light but a light without shine, all would be lost to him. His creation was not to be lost. What God had created would remain forever, pure and without sin. His love for his other loyal ones could not be compromised. These separate beings needed to be purified and washed of all sin.
     God still had love for them and he brought his son into the world so to lead them home. Jesus Christ took the right hand position in the heavens. He did not touch what God deem unholy. Jesus Christ obeyed his Father and in his obedience he became the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings for now and throughout eternity. He never separated himself from God's precious jewel.
     The House of God is a clean house, no one can enter unless wash by the blood of the lamb. Those entering must be pure in his sight and loyal to his ways. They are the ones living their lives in harmony with God's Holy Spirit. Only then they will be brought back into his keeping.
     The men and women of God will some day return to paradise. God has provided a way it is up to them to take. The more Christlike they become the more complete and whole in spirit they will be. By doing this, our Lord will welcome them back into his kingdom. The holy Jewel of God's creation will shine brighter when they become apart of it once again. Becoming one family under one God, one spirit and one saviour. They can then truly dwell in the house of our Lord forever.

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