Friday, February 4, 2011

I Have a Crush

     I have a crush on the world. The world to me is like a seductress who is always looking for a good time. She enjoys many pleasures and is very pleasing to the eyes. Like a school boy I look upon her with want. She teases me and plays her games. She gets so close and then she pulls away so to entice me into her arms. Her lovers are many and she always wants more. She is without prejudice and she invites everyone to come to her. She has a beauty and a personality that pulls many blindly to her. Yes, I have been very tempted to go to her as well.
     I do not know why I am so fascinated by her. I think it is my flesh that is so enticed by her. I have an internal battle going on within me. My flesh seems to love her and my spirit is repulsed by her. She is around me everyday beckoning me to join her but at what cost my soul and my spirit.
     I cannot go to her(our world)for she is like a two sided coin one side pleasure and the other side pain. She devours her lovers one by one and then she spits them out. She wants to have everyone to love her but she has little love for anyone. The old, the poor in health and the destitute she has little time for. Her time is mostly spent on the young, the healthy and the rich. Those who beg for attention usually goes away wanting. She promises so much but she delivers so little. She is so charming but her heart is so cold. The people that are hurting and are dying she does not even care for.
     Our world loves only one and his name is Satan. She prostitutes herself before him. He is her lover and she is to him. She dances before him and sing her songs of love. She delivers all that she has to him. All her lovers are delivered into his hands. The devil takes and demands more and the more she has, the more she gives right into the devil's traps and snares.
     Even after knowing all of this, there is still something inside of me that still looks upon her with desire. I believe it is the desire to belong and to be wanted by a world in which I was born. I have no desire to be her lover. I would like to have her respect but she does not respect those who see does not know and she does not know me. I am a stranger to her. I stand away from her instead of standing next to her and she resents me for doing so. Her beauty attracts me but her inner soul repels me.
     She is not loyal to anyone. Those who have committed themselves to her are often hurt. She only stands by them who benefits her whether or not they are right or wrong. Like a wave in the ocean she moves to and tho going to one person and then to the next. Those who love her endures much heartache.
     I cannot love a world in such a state as it is in and be happy. I am a moral person and a Christian. I cannot love such an unfaithful woman. I must be true to my God. I must be able to believe in and trust in someone and God is that someone. The world is chaos and God is order and I choose order over chaos. I stand with God rather than the world. Our world has caused much pain and sorrow and only our God can make it stop. Even though I have a crush, I will still choose God over the world.

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