Saturday, June 21, 2014

Just a Little Bit Hurts Us All

     Some people think a little bit of bad is o.k. Bad boys, bad girls preferable over the good ones. Hate over love, cruelty over compassion and violence over peace maybe just a little bit. I was thinking what if the devil got a dollar for every time we did something bad. There are 7 billion people in the world and if each of us just did a little bit of badness the devil would make 7 billion dollars everyday. Lets go further and say only half the people of the world did bad the the devil would still make 3.5 billion a day, poor devil. What I am trying to say a little bit of badness done by many can add up to a great deal. It gives someone we do not want to have power to have a great deal of power.
     Some may see doing badness as liberating to their soul but at what cost to our world. Its a donation in the money bucket for the powers of evil and nothing for powers for good. When you feed evil just a little bit it will grow and be like a cancer that takes over your soul. I am no angel myself. I have also made a donation to the wrong cause. I hate it but I have. Because I hate to do what is bad I try my best to make the devil to go without on some days and I am trying my best to make it most days. Even that I know that a little bit of bad is not imperfection still gets in my way. It is my hope to make the devil a pauper in my lifetime.  

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