Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Spirit, Freedom from Law

     There are laws for the flesh. Those who live by flesh need laws but those living by the spirit no longer need laws. If I walk by flesh then I need laws for my own sake for without law how would I know right from wrong. Break the law and be punished or live within the law and be free. If I live within the law I should be safe and those around me likewise. The law governs and protects our flesh.
     There are many different governments and many different laws, laws that are created by imperfect men. If the men are crooked then we will have crooked laws. If  they are in just then we will have injustice. Where ever their mind and their heart leads them is the way that they will go. If we live by the flesh then our flesh will lead our way.
     According to Galations 5:22,23 "the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and self control. Against such things there is no law." If we walk by the spirit the law of the flesh will become obsolete. For who will be doing the crime and from where will the grievances come? The law will not be needed if all of us live by the spirit and not by the flesh. There are no laws against love, joy, peace, kindness and goodness. The spirit is truly free from law. Those who walk by spirit are free from the laws that are upon the flesh for there are no restrictions at all on the ways of the spirit. Freedom from law is living by the spirit.
     Jesus Christ long ago told us to walk according to the spirit and not by the flesh. Those of us who really know about life knows his words are true. In the kingdom that he has promised us the courts will stand empty. Our flesh will be ruled by the spirit bring to an end the laws ruling over the flesh. Fairness will be a common practice ruling out the need for justice. People will give freely from their hearts creating an abundance for all. By the love of God and by the love out of our on hearts a perfect world will be born. A world that no longer needs law.
     Today people are still closing their hearts to the spirit and clinging tightly to passions and desires of the their flesh. Laws are still needed for the spirit has yet to take complete control. When will people ever learn that God's way is the superior way to live? It is a way for us to grow beyond the condition that we are in. It is a way to freedom over our flesh. In the end the world without law will be the perfect world of God's spirit.

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