Friday, October 29, 2010

More than Words

     With words we speak of great things. We tell others how life should be. Oh how we cheer and how good we feel when we hear a great speech. Afterwards when the cheers and the good feelings diminish, life continues on as it did before. How disappointing it is when we hear how life could be but it is not. Words alone are not enough in making a difference in our lives more than words are necessary.
     Trust is more than words. One needs to know that he has loyal friends. Those who he can depend and rely on. We need people that we can confide in. Those who will not turn against us when our backs are turn. Trust is not given by our words but is proven by our actions. We need to feel secure around the people that we are with.
     Belonging and being accepted is more than words. It is being approved of and being comfortable with the people that you are around. It is being treated with respect and with dignity within that group. It is about being apart of a group that will accept you as you are. We need to have acceptance in order to feel that we do belong. We need the comfort that it brings to our lives.
     Love is more than words. Love is important if not the most important thing that we need in our lives. Love can be talked about with words but it is mostly demonstrated by our actions  Without love we are empty, with love we are full. Love is the force that brings us closer to another. With love we are made to feel accepted and even cherished. If we found love we have found our happiness and our well being. If we have love we are truly bless.
     Being understood is connecting with others and it is more than words. Being understood is finding those people who really care about you and about what you have to say. It is a two way street they know you and you know them. It is communicating clearly to each other. Being understood is finding people who really understands. It is coming to know each others hearts. It is finding people who really care about knowing who you are. By being understood others can sense how you are feeling without you saying a word. Being truly understood goes beyond our words and in to the spiritual.
     Purpose is more than words. It is knowing that we are doing something meaningful, something that we were meant to do. We need to have purpose so that everyday can be special. Purpose can give us a reason to get out of bed each morning. It gives us a reason to keep on living. It gives meaning to our existence. It goes beyond words and fulfills our soul. Purpose gives us a direction to go in, a direction that we are sure of.
Purpose makes us feel that we are needed within our world.
     Friends are more than words. Friends are your support. They are people who you can trust. They are the ones who you can open up your heart to. They are the ones who you can love. Friends are a group to whom you can connect and be free. With true friends you can let down your guard and trust them completely. I have to admit we need each other and we do need to have friends. We need someone to talk to, someone to be with, someone who understands, someone who can help and someone who cares and someone to be close to and that someone is our friends.
     We need something beyond us, something that is greater than us. It is something more than are words can describe. I need to believe in something more than myself. I refuse to believe we are just ants on an anthill, just another species of animal upon our Earth. I must believe that God has bless us, making us much more than animals upon our Earth. If I were to believe that man's intelligence was the highest of all. I would say that we are all doomed. I look at our Earth and I look at universe and I know there is a greater intelligence at work. Man is intelligent but there is another force, another intelligence at work that dwarfs the intelligence of man. I believe in God and many of you believe in him as well, something within us needs him and that something tells us that he exist. We need our God within our lives. We cannot completely describe it. It goes beyond our words and we feel it within our hearts. I feel strongly that God is essential to my existence.
     We need words to communicate with, to express our feelings and our emotions but there are things that we need that is beyond our words. It is trust, belonging and acceptance, purpose, love and being understood. It is having friends and believing in God. We need action as well as words. Action that are accord to our well being. We need not people telling us how the world should be but people doing something about it. People whose hearts are sincere and devoted to God. People who are doing more than telling us about the Bible but showing us how it works.
    The spirit of God moves across our planet and works without saying a word. God's love touches our hearts. His spirit performs miracles. The ministry of Jesus Christ is spoken with words but everyone knows there is more to it than just words. There is love, faith, trust and devotion. All of these goes beyond our words. We need our words but more than words are necessary in living or lives upon this world.

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